This past year has been one of change and transition, that’s no secret, I’m sure it has been the same for all of you. It’s been absolutely wild to see how the state of things have affected our world, and it’s been incredible to experience the forced growth it’s brought to me and the guys.
Last February, we concluded a long tour and were met with the pandemic. The same uncertainty the world experienced hit us as we started what would become more than a year at home. During this time we’ve realized how important it is to take care of ourselves and the people we love. Through it all, a huge explosion of growth came to all of us. We all made big steps in our lives, some of us having kids and getting married, moving, finding new passions in life, and with all this growth of course came changes to the things that were, and to our band.
It became clear that keeping the band going forward as usual was not possible, and rather than strain ourselves around something we love so much, we decided that it was best to create something new altogether. I am starting a new chapter called ‘Wheelwright’, it is my solo endeavor, and though the guys will still be there behind the scenes with me creating music in the studio, contributing to the songwriting process, and touring as musicians when they’re able, the music and world of Wheelwright will be my own. This letter is one of assurance to our fans, who mean the most to us, that despite this change, the heart of this project, on stage and off, the world we all created together p/\q, will be the same. More letters will follow from the rest of the fellas detailing their experiences and future plans considering this change, and we all just want to express how much we love you and are excited to continue this journey together. Jared & The Mill’s music will of course stay on streaming platforms for you guys, and the history of our band will remain intact; but, on March 3rd, the handles and names will switch on our social media, and I will be releasing music as ‘Wheelwright’ on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, etc.
We have toured very hard for over 8 years, and 2019 was one of the longest hauls we’d seen, it made 2020 at home seem like a cruel joke from the gods. The family that we’ve created for ourselves on the road between our fans, friends, and fellow bands is something I cherish more than anything, and I’m excited to continue the story we’ve all worked so hard on together. You’re so much a part of who we are as a band and who I am as an artist, I can’t tell you how grateful I feel to have the pack at my back and the future ahead of me. Change is good, and progress is good! It all starts on March 3rd. Let’s do it. p/\q forever – Keep Howlin <4
– Jared
oh also…. We’re gunna put Western Expansion back on the Jared & The Mill Spotify.

We’re 5 best friends from AZ. We love the desert, we love our city, its people, and we love each other. We love long drives, early mornings, late nights, dive bars, carne asada Tacos at 3 am, dirty jokes, and asking each other what we think about things. We’re just as likely to get down on Simon & Garfunkel and Bob Dylan as we are Van Halen, and Kendrick Lamar. We love dogs, we love our van, we love playing together, and we love you – it’s true. For the past few years, we’ve pretty much always been on tour, hitting the road on our own, with fellow bands, and have been lucky enough to open for a few heroes. From living rooms and basement clubs, to theaters and arenas, we just love playing shows, and being on the road.
Our fans are our greatest priority – we love them, we really do, and we do our best to insure them that we can’t do this without them. Our message is one of acceptance, not in a circle sitting kum-baya bullshit way, but in a way of acknowledging that we all have shit we regret, we all have passions and opinions, and it’s up to all of us to filter through our flaws and our regrets to find ourselves and love one another. Don’t judge other people, and care about everybody, like EVERYBODY everybody. Our shows are rowdy, you’ll break down your walls and realize you’re not in this alone. We hope you come to a show, make our songs apart of your story, and live the best fucking life you can.
Jared & The Mill